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San Diego Rape Lawyer
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San Diego Rape Attorney With High Reviews – Best Local Defense Law Firm Helping Those Charged Offenses Like Spousal, Date & Statutory Rape

Our San Diego rape lawyer team can provide aggressive defense If you or loved one is  facing a rape offense charges. You have to also face society and overcome the negative perception from people when accused of rape. These are why having an experience San Diego rape attorney is very important for your case.

What Is Rape?

Rape is the crime of having sexual intercourse without consent and accomplished through force, threat of violence or intimidation or with a girl who is underage. Rape can be charged after a man on man attack as well as a man on women.

A woman can also be charged with rape in San Diego if she assists a man to rape another woman.

Lack of consent includes saying “no” or being too drug-influenced or drunk for the person to be able to either resist or consent. There are few crimes that are as aggressively pursued by law enforcement personnel and prosecutors and that arouse the passions of the public against the defendant as the crime of rape. One of the best defense is to lawyer up with an experienced San Diego rape lawyer to represent you.

Rape Conviction Consequences

Rape convictions also carry severe consequences and are open to a wide variety of sentencing options that require the best and most experienced criminal defense attorney in San Diego representation that a defendant can obtain.

Rape felony convictions can carry

  • Long prison sentence
  •  Heavy fines
  • A devastating record that severely hampers a defendant’s efforts to resume a normal life after serving the punishment prescribed.

Another serious consequences is being added to the state sex offender registry, which can also prevent you from residing in prescribe neighborhoods and limit your ability to travel.

Our  rape defense lawyer in San Diego team can address questions that could affect your case, such as questions about forcible rape, consent and age of consent, domestic violence, sexual misconduct, date rape, statutory rape and other degrees of conduct.

Rape can be charged in any case in which physical force, fear or a threat was used to overpower a victim; the victim was unable to resist because of being inebriated or under the influence of drugs; the victim was unconscious or the victim was of an age, affected by a mental disorder or developmental disability that affected their ability to consent.

Many of these types of rapes fall under the popular conceptions of date rape, acquaintance rape or statutory rape. Defending rape charges also requires the skills of lawyers such as those at our firm who are experienced in the delicate tasks of interviewing or cross-examining victims in what, in many such cases, can hinge on the word of one person’s testimony against another in trials.

It is imperative that you or someone you know who has been charged with rape contact our office as soon as possible in order that all of your legal rights are protected as a case goes forward. We offer a free consultation in which our team will evaluate your case and provide you with an evaluation of the legal options available in your case.

San Diego Date & Statutory Rape Charges

What is Date Rape is also a rape charge, but involves both parties knowing each other prior to the uninvited sexual intercourse.

 Any sexual intercourse with a child is rape and in most states sexual relations even with consent involving a girl 14 to 18 (with some variation on ages in a few states) is “statutory rape,” on the basis that the child is unable to legally give consent.

If you have been accused of Rape please contact us as you don’t want to lose your freedom and live with the stigma.

Contact Us To Speak With A Rape Lawyer in San Diego, CA For Free Consultation On Your Charges

Call us at 619-627-0070 to be connected with a San Diego rape lawyer for help.


Phone: 619-627-0070