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Misdemeanor Hit And Run Penalties In California
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Misdemeanor Hit And Run Penalties In California

Overview Of Felony & Misdemeanor Hit and Run As A First Offense Or Multiple Offender

A felony or misdemeanor Hit and run can be severe in California where drivers at fault panic and flee from the scene immediately. Some may surrender themselves after being recomposed in mind and body but many tend to hide in their guilt and fear for life. The severity of a hit and run can depend if someone is seriously hurt. It is best to talk to an attorney who can best give you your best option.

California Penal Code on Hit and Runs

Hit-and- run offenses occur when the accident involves human lives and heavy property expenses that the driver-at- fault might be incurred. DUI offenders are common guilty parties to hit-and- run cases to avoid another serious charge by the law.

Vehicle Code 2001 and Vehicle Code 2002 are the two common laws on vehicle accidents in California. The former involves injury or death while the latter involves damage to property only.  Both statutes insist on the accident-involved drivers to provide their name and current address to one another before making a police report on the incident. The code lists hit-and- run incidents involving injury and deaths are punishable if convicted with:

 fines between $1000 and $10,000

 imprisonment for a maximum of 4 years

Hit-and- run incidents which cause damage to property alone is punishable with:

 maximum fine of $1000

 Maximum 6 months county jail time

Multiple & First Offense Hit-and- Run Charges – Misdemeanor or Felony

In California, hit-and- run offenders could be charged heavily even if the driver is not at fault

as it is a crime to flee the accident scene without providing the necessary contact

information to the other involved drivers or parties.

Vehicle Code 20001 applies for any injury incurred even for own car passengers. Hit-and- run

drivers could be justified for leaving the accident scene if emergency medical attention is

required for self or passenger.

Vehicle Code 20002 applies to accidents with property damage which may not necessarily

be vehicles involved in the accident.

Hit-and- run offenses are not limited to accidents occurred on the highways and public roads

alone; parking lot collisions are also subject to the heavy consequences if the driver failed to

leave their contact information to the other party.

CA Hit and Run Consequences & Sentences

A Hit-and- Run offender could resolve a misdemeanor charge via a civil compromise. This would activate Penal Code 1377 for certain misdemeanor offenses that allow a resolution of a hit-and-run accident via a civil settlement instead of criminal punishment if all involved drivers agree. Otherwise, convicted offenders of hit-and- run offenses could be subject to harsh punishments by the law such as:

 Probation

 Jail time

 Revocation of license

The penalties for a hit-and-run felony in California include:

 Heavy fines between $5,000 and $20,000

 incarceration of maximum 15 years

Get Free Consultation from A San Diego, California Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you are charged or accused of a hit-and- run offense, it is best that you contact an

experienced California criminal defense attorney in San Diego who could advise on the best course of action in the

eyes of the law.


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